Popular Dances of Today

Nov 27, 2023 Uncategorized

Dance is one of the oldest forms of artistic expression and has taken on many different shapes over the years. Some dance styles are taught in formal schools and can be mastered by professional dancers. Other dances are popular because they have accompanied specific songs and become a part of the culture. These types of dances are known as fad or novelty dances, and they typically enjoy short bursts of popularity before fizzling out. Other dances, such as the Charleston, the Electric Slide, and the YMCA have enjoyed much longer lives.

Many of the fad dances of the 1920s that helped give rise to jazz have now become iconic dance moves of our time, including the Swing and The Foxtrot. Jazz music also influenced the dancing of the 1950s, when it spawned the jitterbug and disco. Rock and electronic music have brought new types of dancing to the dance floor, which are often non-partnered and energetic. Dances such as the Lambada have merged the movements of Forro, salsa, merengue, and maxixe into a memorable dance style that is popular worldwide.

Then there are the moves that have made their way into our everyday lives because they are associated with particular songs or videos that go viral on social media. A few examples include the Renegade Challenge, which was inspired by a song and choreography by rapper K CAMP, and has been shared over 1.6 billion times on Instagram since March of 2019. The Swagg Bounce, a dance move that is based on a bouncy beat by the artist Lil Rich and was favored by celebrities from Stranger Things actress Millie Bobby Brown to former FLOTUS Michelle Obama, went viral in 2019 and has been viewed over 5.7 million times.