The “Fancy Like” Dance by Kesha Is Taking the World by Storm

Oct 29, 2022 Uncategorized

fancy like dance

“Fancy Like” by Kesha is a dance routine that’s taking the world by storm. The song features a catchy melody and a female perspective. Applebee’s even created an entire commercial based on the song. The song has also brought back the Oreo shake, which was banned in the early 2000s.

The video was first posted on TikTok in June and has received over half a million views. Now, celebrities are doing the dance as well. In a recent video, a woman named Steph Hetherington performed the dance while wakesurfing. Although she barely hit the water in the video, it’s still a viral hit.

Fortunately, the “Fancy Like” dance is easy to learn and does not require a large group of people. The song is available on all the major music streaming platforms. And despite the fact that the song is now a worldwide hit, the song’s lyrics are not always the easiest to understand.

“Fancy Like” was not originally intended to be a commercial for Applebee’s. The video has almost 22 million views and 1.8 million likes on YouTube. It has even made its way to TikTok, where it has been shared by celebrities. While the song isn’t a country hit, it’s certainly a crossover pop hit.

In addition to its video release, the song’s popularity has prompted a new tour for Hayes. The tour will kick off on January 27.