Why Dancing Is Good For You

Jul 5, 2023 Uncategorized


Dance is not only great exercise, but also increases stamina, reduces stress, sculpts the body, and even improves your memory. It’s a skill that can be learned at any age and it’s important to try different styles of dancing. It is also believed that keeping an active lifestyle, including dance, into your senior years will slow down the onset of dementia.

Dancers can express a broad range of emotions with their movements, and their facial expressions and body language can communicate a whole array of feelings. Movement can show a sense of weight (heavy or light), speed, momentum, attack or decay, and quality of line (sharp and sudden or smooth and flowing).

The body is in constant motion when performing a dance and it’s important to focus on how each movement flows together. You should also be aware of the different aspects of space: orientation, pathway (curved, straight, zigzagged), size, and relationship to one another (behind, in front of, over, under, alone).

When learning a new sequence of dance steps, you might find it helpful to break down the dance into small chunks that are easier to learn. It’s often a good idea to have your instructor or other dancers show you the entire sequence once before practicing it on your own so that you can get a feel for how it should be executed.

When learning a new dance sequence, it’s easy to get caught up in trying to get every step perfect the first time you practice it. However, even the best professional dancers sometimes fall out of their pirouette or miss a step in the process. This is normal, and it’s actually a good thing — falling out of a turn helps us figure out how to recover!